Please tend to your garden space regularly. If your schedule does not permit you to tend your garden space for an extended period of time, please contact Grow Gillespie or make arrangements with another gardener. Garden space that receive no attention for 2 weeks may be reassigned.
All standard soil amendments (e.g., compost, manure, and commercial fertilizers) are acceptable.
All synthetic pesticides including herbicides like "Roundup" are prohibited (this rule is intended to protect people and crops from improperly applied pesticides).
If you have any questions about acceptable inputs or practices, please contact Grow Gillespie. growgillespie@gmail.com
Please respect fellow gardeners (e.g., no harvesting in neighboring garden space).
Each gardener is responsible for soil preparation of their own garden space.
Water may be used as necessary from the water source.
Gardeners are to give at least 50% of their crop to Grow Gillespie for distribution.
Gardeners are required to participate in at least 1 “workday” at the garden. The workday requirement will be adjusted to fit physical capabilities and time constraints.
All participants will be required to sign a waiver form.
Produce from the garden cannot be sold for a profit or used in conjunction with a business.